Since kaf v0.1.35 it is now possible to interact with Azure EventHub
. Kaf is a modern CLI to interact with Kafka, i.e. producing data, consuming, or viewing topic and Consumer Group information. Now having first-class support for EventHub makes EventHub much more accessible than before. In the following Example i’ll show how to set up kaf for your EventHub. It’s very simple.
Install kaf
There’s several ways to install kaf.
Install script
curl | BINDIR=$HOME/bin bash
yay -S kaf
Via Go
go get
Setup EventHub
To create an EventHub, you have to first create an EventHubs namespace.
The equivalent to a EventHub Namespace
in the Kafka world is a Kafka Cluster
This can be either done on the Portal, or via CLI:
az eventhubs namespace create --name joe-test-2 --resource-group my-resource-group
This command may take some minutes to complete.
Since quite some time, the Kafka compatibility mode
is enabled by default for all new EventHub Namespaces, so you don’t need to explicitly enable it.
After creating the EventHub Namespace, you have to create an EventHub
. The equivalent to an EventHub
is a Kafka Topic
az eventhubs eventhub create -g my-resource-group --namespace-name joe-test-2 --name iot-data
Now that we created the Namespace (Cluster) and the EventHub (Topic), we still need a way to access it. For this, a Connection String is used. It can be obtained via either Portal, or the Azure CLI:
az eventhubs namespace authorization-rule keys list -g my-resource-group --namespace-name joe-test-2 --name RootManageSharedAccessKey | jq -r '.primaryConnectionString'
This prints out the Connection String to your EventHub
If you don’t have jq installed, you can omit the jq command and copy the primaryConnectionString by hand.
Configure kaf
Configuring kaf to use the eventhub is very straight-forward; run the following command:
kaf config add-eventhub my-eventhub --eh-connstring $(az eventhubs namespace authorization-rule keys list -g my-resource-group --namespace-name joe-test-2 --name RootManageSharedAccessKey | jq -r '.primaryConnectionString')
Added EventHub.
Note: Replace joe-test-2
with your EventHub Namespace
To ensure that kaf sets your new EventHub Namespace as the active cluster, run
kaf config use-cluster my-eventhub
Switched to cluster "my-eventhub".
Run commands
Now you can use kaf to interact with your EventHub.
List Topics (EventHubs):
kaf topics
iot-data 4 0
You see, the EventHub
we previously created is shown under topics.
We can go a step further. We can create a new topic, which means that a new EventHub
is created within this EventHub Namespace
kaf topic create second-topic -p 2
✅ Created topic!
Topic Name: second-topic
Partitions: 2
Replication Factor: 1
Cleanup Policy: delete
List topics:
kaf topics
iot-data 4 0
second-topic 2 0
Even the Azure Portal shows the created topic (EventHub):
Consuming and Producing data:
To consume, run
kaf consume second-topic
To produce, run
echo test | kaf produce second-topic
Sent record to partition 1 at offset 0.
The consume command will output the message:
Partition: 1
Offset: 0
Timestamp: 2020-04-12 23:40:01.591 +0200 CEST
Cleaning up
Don’t forget to delete your EventHub if you just used it to try kaf out.